Nome Codice EAN Descrizione prodotto Coil Voltage Detail
020SCA 4230184 2 positions_cam A / I-II /
020SCA1 4230185 2 positions_cam A / I /
020SCB 4230187 2 positions_cam B / 0-II /
020SCC 4230191 2 positions_cam C / I-0 /
020SCO 4230195 3 positions_cam O / I-0-II /
020SCOC 4230196 3 positions_cam O / I-0-II / return to 0 /
020SCOD 4230197 3 positions_cam O / I-0-II / return from DX to 0 /
020SCOS xxxxxxxx 3 positions_cam O / I-0-II / return from SX to 0 /

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